2017-02-17 22:23:48Updated by billonHow to extract: [list=1][*]Download the installer and launch[*]Select portable installation m"Pode and "install" to a folder of your choice[*]Launch [i]Mp3tag.exe[/i][/list]Or[list=1][*]Download the installer and extract using [url= Index.php?id=796]7-zip[/url] (must be v9.20 or above) to a folder of your choice[*]Delelate [i]$PLUGINSDIR[/i] (aon" and [i]$R0[/i] if using the latest 7-zip beta)[*]Create a blank file "in sthe samell" fto a folder of your called [i]mp3tag.hoicfg[/i]e[*]Launch [i]Mp3tag.exe[/i][/list]Optionally, delete unnecessary language files and flag icons.
Size (in bytes): 998826651152
Icon: Updated
Mp3tag 2.55 Final
Download File: https://urlca.com/2vJUoX
2017-02-17 21:16:48Updated by billonVersion: v2.801
How to extract: [list=1][*]Download the installer and launch[*]Select portable installation mode and "install" to a folder of your choice[*]Launch [i]Mp3tag.exe[/i][/list]Or[list=1][*]Download the installer and extract using [url= =796]7-zip[/url] (must be v9.20 or above) to a folder of your choice[*]Delete [i]$PLUGINSDIR[/i] (and [i]$R0[/i] if using the latest 7-zip beta)[*]Create a blank file in the same folder called [i]mp3tag.cfg[/i][*]Launch [i]Mp3tag.exe[/i][/list]
Release date: 20167-02-11-257
What's new: [list][*]See: [url]httpee:[url] [/url][/list]
2016-11-25 18:32:59Updated by billonVersion: v2.7980
How to extract: [list=1][*]Download the installer and extract using [url= =796]7-zip[/url] (must be v9.20 or above) to a folder of your choice[*]Delete [i]$PLUGINSDIR[/i] (and [i]$R0[/i] if using the latest 7-zip beta)[*]Create a blank file in the same folder called [i]mp3tag.cfg[/i][*]Launch [i]Mp3tag.exe[/i][/list]
Similar/alternative apps: [url= =1427]TagScanner[/url]
Release date: 2016-0911-245
What's new: [list][*]See: [url] [/url][/list]
2014-07-28 03:50:57Updated by CheckerHow to extract: [list=1][*]Download the installer and extract using [url= =796]7-zip[/url] (must be v9.20 or above) to a folder of your choice.[*]Delete [i]$PLUGINSDIR[/i] (and [i]$R0[/i] if using the latest[/i] if using the latest 7-zip beta).[*]Crereate a blank file in te a blank file in thhe same follder callled [i [i]mp3tag.g.cfg[/i].[*]Launch [i]Mp3tag.exe[/i].[/list]
2014-06-21 15:27:18Updated by CheckerHow to extract: [list=1][*]Download the installer and extract using [url= =796]7-zip[/url] (must be v9.20 or above) to a folder of your choice.[*]Delete [i]$PLUGINSDIR[/i] (and [i]$R0[/i] if using the latest[/i] if using the latest 7-zip beta).[*]Create a blreank file in the a blank file in the same follder callled [i [i]mp3tag.g.cfg[/i].[*]Launch [i]Mp3tag.exe[/i].[/list]
2013-06-22 12:59:23Updated by CheckerVersion: v2.55a6
Size (in bytes): 7368045887
What's new: [list][*] FIX:Updated Danish, French, Hebrew, Russian, Slovenian and Turkish translations.[*]Updated TAK library to TAK 2.3.0.[*]Fixed: Performing update check occasionally resulted in runtime error.[*]Fixed: Changing option to show only user-defined genres had no effect until restarting Mp3tatag.[*]Fixed: Undo after remov2.55 did not work oing first file cfromputers w list had nold effect.[*]Adder CPUsd: Lithuanian lanymore (e.g, Puagentium III, Athfilon XP, ...)e.[/list]
2013-04-24 17:04:17Updated by CheckerVersion: v2.55a
Size (in bytes): 73040587090
What's new: New:[list][*]added support for *.opus files for Explorer context menu shell extension.[*]added support for the IETF Opus codec ([url= -codec.org/] -codec.org/[/url])[/list]Changed:[list][*]added special handling for iTunMOVI field name for MP4.[*]updated MusicBrainz web source to version 1.06.[*]improved compatibility with Windows 8.[/list]Fixed:[list][*]unicode characters encoded in \x#### format gave runtime exception in web sources (e.g., Amazon.de).[*]preview at converter 'Tag - Tag' displayed 0 for %_counter% instead of 1.[*]after deleting files the list jumps to the beginning.[*]after moving files the list jumps to the beginning.][*]tem FIX: Mporary file w3tas notg remove2.55 d when wrid noti work ong tag computers wito Opuh older CPUs filanymore (es.g, (sPentium III, Athlonce v2.54aXP, ...).[/list]
2012-07-19 19:55:06Updated by CheckerVersion: Vv2.512
How to extract: [list=1][*]Download townload the insstaller and extract using [url= and extreware.ct usiom/ing dex.php?id=796]7-zip[/url] (must be v9.20 or above) to a folder of e) to a folder of your choice e[*]Delete [i]$PLUGINSDIR [/i] (anand [i]$R0 if using the latest[/i] if using the latest 7-zip beta) beta)[*]Create a a blank f file in the same folder called [i]mp3tag.p3tag.cfg [/i][*]Launch [i]Mp3tag.exe[/i][/list]
Size (in bytes): 8905193482
Dependencies: [url= ]GDIPLUS.DLL[/url]
What's new: [list][*]New: added support for %_counter% and %_total_files% for format string at action 'Import cover from file'. added option to specify cover type at action 'Import cover from file'.Changed: added extended support for HTTP 302 cases (redirect) at web sources. add cover now defaults to the last used cover directory if the is no cover art in the file's directory. next file is now focused after removing files from file list.FixedEW: regression regardingded ouptpuion t o specify multi-valued tdefag fieulds for t disrectogs web soury for covesr art.[*]NEW: added preferencesin page for directories used in v2.49bMp3tag.[/list]
2012-01-17 20:49:38Updated by webforkHow to extract: Download the installer and extract using 7-zip (must be v9.20 and or above) to a e) to a folder ofr of yyour choice. Deice Delete $PLUGIINSDIR (aand $R0 if if ussing t the latest 7-zip beta). Creaeate a blanlank fi filee in the same fsame foldlder c callled mp3tag.cfg. p3tag.cfg Launch Mp3tag.exe.
2011-07-06 17:58:19Updated by webforkHow to extract: Download the installer and extract using 7-zip (v9.20 and above) to a folder of your choice. Delete $PLUGINSDIR (and $R0 if using the 7-zip beta). Create a blank file in the same folder called mp3tag.cfg. Launch Mp3tag.exe.
What's new: NEW: added new field UserAgent for web sources which enables sending Mp3tag/#.## as user agent if set to ent if set to 1. CHG: updated Musicdated MusicBrairainz web source. NEW: added 'rate' for MP4 file NEW: added 'keywords' web source. NEW: added 'rate' for MP4 file NEW: added 'keywords' for MP4 files. NEW: added sues. NEW: added supporort for presereserving unnknown nown MP4 atoms when en writitingg tags. NEW: added cover-specific '_specific '_cover_ter_type' at action Export c at action Export cover to file. FIX: action: action Exporort cover to file dupli to file duplicateted file extension for multiple extension for multiple covers. NEW: sup: support ort for inbuilt paruilt parameters MP3TAGAPP andeters MP3TAGAPP and MP3TAGAPTAGAPPDAATA for $getEnv. nv. CHG: re replacaced discogs web source by web source based on disiscogs s weeb service. CHG: updated di sourcogse by web source. NEW: added support for wildcards in format string of action Import cover from file. NEW: added support for wildcards in format string of action Import text file. NEW: added 'rating winamp' for MP3 files. FIX: possible runtime error when creating n sourcew actions. NEW: baddsed 'itunon discogs web sesarviccount'e. CHG: updanted d 'itunscogs web spourchase. NEW: added support for wildcards in format string of action Import cover from file. NEW: added support for wildcards in format string of action Import text file. NEW: adde'd 'rating fwinamp' for MP43 filesiles. FIX: $: possible runtime error when creating new actionds. waNEW: added 'itunesaccount' and 'itunespurchasedate' for MP4 files. FIX: $rand was only se sededed once peer session. FIX: $...
2010-11-19 19:10:08Updated by freakazoidHow to extract: Download the installer and extract using 7-zip to a folder of your choice. Delete $PLUGINSDIR (and $R0 if using the 7-zip beta). Create a blank file in the same folder called mp3tag.cfg. Launch Mp3tag.exe.
What's new:
2010-09-26 23:37:31Updated by CheckerHow to extract: Download the installer and extract using 7-zip to ao a folder of yoldeur chof your choiice. Delete Delete $PLUGIINSDIR anR (and $R0 if using the 7-zip beta). Create a blank file in the same folder called mp3tag.cfg. Launch Mp3tag.exe.
2010-03-15 21:47:51Updated by CheckerHow to extract: Download the installer and extract to a folder of your choice. Delete $PLUGINSDIR and [NSIS].nsi$R0. Create a blank file in the same folder called mp3tag.cfg. Launch Mp3tag.exe.
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